Wearing Mascara with Fake lashes: Do’s & Don’ts

You may have used mascara and false eyelashes together, but you never thought about how they could work together to create dramatic, full lashes. Mascara and false eyelashes claim to make your natural eyelashes look better by adding length, volume, and a bold look that mascara alone might not be able to do.

Long, thick eyelashes are very attractive, and a lot of people use fake eyelashes to get this dramatic look. Putting on fake eyelashes with mascara can make them look even better and make your eyes stand out even more. But this mix can be tricky, and there are some common mistakes and best practices to keep in mind.

We'll talk about the good and bad things about using mascara with fake eyelashes in this article to help you decide if they are right for you.

Can you put makeup on fake eyelashes?

We, the lash masters, do not recommend doing this. However, if customers insist, they should apply mascara carefully and exclusively to light-weight classic lash extensions. Mascara cannot be applied to volume lash extensions.

To protect the false eyelashes, use a thin layer of mascara. It's best to choose one that is water-based rather than waterproof. You can also hide the lash band with eyeliner and make the transition between your real and fake lashes look smooth.

When you put on eyeshadow, be careful not to get powder on your false eyelashes. This can make them look less natural and make them harder to clean. Cleaning mascara from extensions may cause pulling natural lashes off. Overall, you can put makeup on fake eyelashes, but you should be careful and use less than usual to keep their look and make them last longer.

Should I put mascara before or after eyelashes?

Yes, it's generally recommended to put mascara on your natural lashes before applying the false lashes. You only have to apply mascara to natural lashes before applying strip or false lashes. This helps blend your natural lashes with the falsies without adding excess product to the false lashes, which can extend their lifespan and maintain their appearance.

Professional recommendations:

  1. Apply Mascara Before False Lashes:
    • Blending: Applying mascara to your natural lashes first helps them blend seamlessly with the false strip lashes, creating a unified look.
    • Adhesive Integrity: Mascara on the false lashes can interfere with the adhesive, making it harder for the lashes to stick and stay in place.
    • False Lash Longevity: By keeping mascara off the false lashes, you prevent clumping and buildup, which can reduce the lashes' lifespan.
  2. After application (Light Touch-Up Only):
    • If you need to further blend your natural and false lashes after application, use a light touch. Opt for a water-based mascara and apply a minimal amount to avoid clumping and damage.

Potential issues:

  • Clumping and Weight: Applying mascara directly to false lashes can cause them to become clumpy and heavy, making them uncomfortable to wear and less natural-looking.
  • Adhesive Compromise: Mascara can interfere with the adhesive used to attach the false lashes, leading to lifting or detachment.
  • Reduced Lifespan: Excess mascara can make false lashes harder to clean, thus reducing their reusable lifespan.

Why pair mascara with false eyelashes: Pros

Pairing mascara with false eyelashes, specifically strip lashes, rather than individual lash extensions, provides several benefits that can improve your overall eye makeup look. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Good blend: Mascara helps blend your natural lashes with the false ones, creating a more cohesive and natural appearance.
  2. Enhanced volume and length: Adding mascara can amplify the volume and length of both your natural and false lashes, giving you a more dramatic and striking look.
  3. Improved definition: Mascara can define and separate lashes, preventing clumps and ensuring that each lash stands out.
  4. Secure attachment: A light coat of mascara before applying false lashes can provide a better base for the adhesive, ensuring that the false lashes stay in place.
  5. Fuller appearance: Combining mascara with false lashes can fill in any gaps between your natural and false lashes, making them look fuller and more lush.
  6. Customised look: You can control the intensity of your lash look by adjusting the amount of mascara you apply, from subtle enhancement to bold glamour.

By carefully pairing mascara with false eyelashes, you can achieve a polished and professional eye makeup look.

Why avoid mascara with false eyelashes: Cons

Using mascara with false eyelashes can have several disadvantages. Here are some of the key cons:

  1. Clumping: Applying mascara to false lashes can cause them to clump together, creating an unnatural and heavy look.
  2. Damage to false lashes: Mascara can make false lashes more difficult to clean, potentially damaging them and reducing their lifespan.
  3. Adhesive compromise: Mascara can interfere with the adhesive used to attach the false lashes, leading to lifting or detachment.
  4. Weight and discomfort: Excess mascara can make false lashes heavier, which can be uncomfortable to wear and strain your natural lashes.
  5. Difficult removal: Mascara can make it harder to remove false lashes without damaging them or pulling out your natural lashes.
  6. Loss of natural appearance: Mascara can obscure the delicate, natural look of high-quality false lashes, making them appear less refined.

Avoiding mascara with false eyelashes can help maintain their quality and ensure a more comfortable and natural-looking wear.


What eye makeup is safe for eyelash extensions?

Oil-free and water-based eye makeup is safe for eyelash extensions. Avoid oil-based products as they can break down the adhesive. Look for products specifically labelled as safe for extensions to ensure longevity and prevent any potential damage.

Can you wear eyeliner with fake lashes?

Yes, you can wear eyeliner with fake lashes. Opt for a water-based, non-waterproof eyeliner to avoid breaking down the adhesive. Apply gently to avoid disturbing the lash band and ensure a seamless blend with your natural lashes.

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