Magnet UV Lash Glue
Introducing Magnet UV Lash Glue—a revolutionary adhesive cured by UV light in just 1–2 seconds, unlike traditional air-cured glues
Introducing Magnet UV Lash Glue- a new generation lash adhesive. Unlike regular lash glues that cure with the help of air(oxygen), UV glue cures with an UV light, UV light cures lash adhesive completely within 0,5-1 seconds.
Key info
Lash artist experience |
Professionals, UV Light lash experts |
Drying time |
0.5-1s with UV light |
Strength |
3-6 weeks |
Room humidity |
All levels |
Room temperature |
All Levels |
Viscosity |
Medium |
Colour |
Black |
Size |
5g |
Packaging |
Comes with sealed foil bag |
Main ingredient |
Ethyl Cyanoacrylate |
Shelf Life |
3 months |
UV glue it’s a great replacement for customers, who developed sensitivities/ allergies to regular lash adhesives. As we no longer must pay attention to room conditions such as humidity, temperature- this glue is suitable for all environments. UV glue helps to avoid lash stickies, this means lash artists can apply extensions immediately one next to another, because UV light cures glue immediately.
Our Magnet UV Lash Glue comes in black colour, different from most UV lash glues available on the market. Black colour helps to avoid a noticeable shiny look on top of lash extensions.
We tested this glue for several months and we can say it’s the best UV glue on the market. Suitable for experienced lash artists and compatible with all types of lash extensions
Ingredients: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate, Polymethylacrylate, Carbon Black. Download MSDS
Magnet UV Lash Glue must be used only with UV light, it won't cure without it! Lash artists must wear protective glasses. Any UV light for lash extensions is suitable, you just need to search for the best. Our Magnet UV Lash Glue comes without UV light or any protective eye gear!
Pour Lash glue in the glue palette. Glide lash extension, volume lash fans through the glue - don’t dip in it. You need the smallest amount of the glue.
You must position UV light correctly, for the glue to cure. Best is to keep the UV light at the same height as your forehead from the lashes and directly above clients lashes.
Don't keep a lash glue palette next to UV light as it can cure your drops and you have to replace drops very often.
The UV Lash glue must be stored in a cool, dry area in a provided pouch or lash glue container to protect from UV glue. Never Refrigerate! Never leave the bottle open and next to UV light, as it can cure adhesive inside the bottle.
Suggested environment
Magnet UV Lash Glue can be used in any environment because the glue only cured with an UV light, not like all regular lash adhesives which cures with help of air (oxygen).